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Tononkira Andro iray - Chorale ESCA

ô andro iray

ô andro iray

tonga i jesoa (x3)

eto amintsika

quelle jour de joie

quelle jour de joie

quand il est venu(x3)

parmis nous

ref : il te couronne

       d’amour, de tendresse

      de tendresse

       il environne, ta vie

        d’allegresse, d’allegresse

ô ô ô happy day!!!!!!!

oh happy day!!

when jesus washed(x3)

he washed my sins away

ref2 : he tought me how

          to watch, fight and pray

         fight and pray

         (and he tought me how to live rejoicing)

         and live rejoicing, every

         everyday, everyday

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